Masters teachings reach the land of the midnight sun 师父教理远播北极不夜之国
Why is the north sometimes called the land of the midnight sun 为何北方有时被称为“夜半太阳之地“ ?
In the land of the midnight sun , south of the border or west of the rockies 在北极圈,国界以南或者落基山以西找黄金。
The midnight sun 南北极午夜的太阳
The midnight sun 午夜的太阳
Protected by a satin - smooth , pink gold top , the candle jar evokes the brilliance and the magic of the midnight sun 镶嵌了丝缎般光滑的金粉色顶盖, “午夜太阳”的显赫光辉和深沉魔力旋即从烛台中缓散开来。
Tourists may also stay in glass igloos , from which they can see the midnight sun and the northern lights , and ride in dogsleds and reindeer sleighs 游客们也可以呆在玻璃冰屋内观赏午夜的太阳和北极极光,或是乘坐狗或驯鹿拉的雪橇畅游一番。
One of the lands of the midnight sun , finland has much more to offer than the cold nights , saunas , and skiing it is often associated with 芬兰,一个在午夜可以见到太阳的国家,除了常被人们想到的寒夜、桑拿浴与滑雪,还有更多风格独特的面貌。
The vigeland sculpture park in oslo - norway ' s biggest park designed by sculptor vigeland , the midnight sun during summer in northern norway , the beautiful city of bergen - norway ' s second largest city , and the fjords 奥斯陆的维格兰雕刻公园? ?那是由雕刻家维格兰设计的、挪威最大的公园;挪威北部夏季的午夜阳光;美丽的卑尔根市? ?那是挪威第二大城市;以及峡湾地区。
Satisfaction at the ubiquity in eastern and western terrestrial hemispheres , in all habitable lands and islands explored or unexplored the land of the midnight sun , the islands of the blessed , the isles of greece , the land of promise of adipose posterior female hemispheres , redolent of milk and honey and of excretory sanguine and seminal warmth , reminiscent of secular families of curves of amplitude , insusceptible of moods of impression or of contrarieties of expression , expressive of mute immutable mature animality 地球的东西两半球所有已勘探或未勘探过的那些适于居住的陆地及岛屿午夜的太阳之国401幸福岛402希腊的各个岛屿403被应许的土地404上,到处都是脂肪质女性臀部后半球散发出奶与蜜以及分泌性血液与精液的温暖香气,令人联想到古老血统的丰满曲线,既不喜怒无常,也不故意闹别扭,显示出沉默而永远不变的成熟的动物性。
"The Midnight Sun" is an episode of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone.